How to Find A Work of Art: Exhibition contest by Artist Joseph Pisani

How to Find A Work of Art: Exhibition contest by Artist Joseph Pisani

“How to Find a Work of Art” Solve the Riddle, Find the Treasure Hidden Somewhere in Zurich & Win it!

The “How to do Everything in Just One Lifetime” Art Treasure hunt is now completed. Congratulations to all of the four winners! However, you can view the riddles, the winners, and their prizes below, and stay tuned for more exciting events that are already in the works by signing up on my newsletter mailing list

Treasure Hunt Prize Winners, Painting Prizes & Riddles

Wednesday’s Art Treasure Hunt Prize Winner

Joseph Pisani How to Find a Work of Art Contest Winner

Congratulations to Martina from Zurich!

I have to admit that I was even a little nervous while hiding in the Kunsthaus–nervous about someone spotting me before the starting time and before I was able to get into my chosen spot. I had sneaked into the Kunsthaus at about 16:30 so I could hide out a bit until the start time at 17:15. After changing shoes into my purple Converse in a WC, the plan was to sneak over to the Mark Rothko and Roy Lichtenstein paintings without anyone seeing me, while still hiding my scarf and purple handkerchief under my second jacket. Within 30 seconds of coming out of the hiding, I was quickly surrounded by group of eager art treasure hunters. Martina, gave my purple shoes a double take, then noticed the scarf hidden under the jacket, and she was first to ask the winning “How do you Find a Work of Art” question as the rest of the hunters had only just realized what had happened. Great work Martina! And thanks to all of you that came to the Kunsthaus today to partake in the first day of the Treasure Hunt.

Tomorrow is day two of Art Treasure Hunt, and at 12:00h tomorrow afternoon, the next painting prize and riddle will be published here again. Be sure to check back then. Happy Art Hunting.

Wednesday’s Riddle Wednesday, 13. Nov, 2013

Wednesday’s are a great day for art in Zurich, especially because my favorite house has free entry every Wednesday. Today, 13. Nov, starting no earlier than 17:15 h, search for a man in this house–he will be wearing Purple Converse shoes, a purple scarf around his neck, and a purple handkerchief in his jacket pocket.

The best place to find him there is the corner of this house where Mark, Barnett and Roy are always hanging out. To claim the winning ticket for today, be the first person to ask this man dressed in purple the following question: “Do you know How to find a Work of Art?”

If you haven’t found him and claimed the winning ticket by 20:00h today, then it is already too late…

Good Luck!

Thursday’s Art Treasure Hunt Winner

Joseph Pisani How to Find a Work of Art Contest Winner

Congratulations to Claire from Zurich!

Claire correctly solved the riddle and found the winning ticket in the Crypt of the Gross Munster church.

I’ll admit that today was a bit more difficult than yesterday, but mostly because I didn’t give everyone as much time to prepare like yesterday. The way I see it, the fun of a treasure hunt is to keep the participants guessing, and keep things random.

I was already in the basement section of the Gross Munster as the clock struck 12 noon. I had hidden myself towards the back, behind a corner and some pillars, invisible to people coming and going, unless they happened to venture to the back. A few of the visitors who weren’t apart of the Art Treasure hunt had quite a fright finding me there, which I am sure will make for a good story or two. At around 12:24h, I heard the door, and could hear someone walking around. After a couple minutes, Claire found me, and asked me if I too was partaking in the Art Treasure Hunt. “Treasure Hunt?”, I replied. Then she said that I looked like I could be the artist, and she seemed a little bit unsure of what to do, until she finally remembered to say “Charlemagne, How do You Find a Work of Art?” When I congratulated her, and handed her the ticket, I think she was still a bit in disbelief that she had won.

Great job Claire! Laura, Chris and the rest that followed were all good sports about being just a few minutes too late.

Thursday’s Riddle Thursday, 14. Nov, 2013

Art in Zurich Abounds, especially if you can pick a good spot to find it. Charlemagne sure seemed to have picked a super spot, but little did he know of the stunning art that would later deck the walls and light up the hall on the spot that he found. Still today, high above the Zurich skyline on this Great Monument, he sits, gazing into the distance. However, maybe you didn’t realize, that the original Charlemagne statue was moved from its perch, and now a replica is sitting in it’s place. At no earlier than 12:00h today (that’s now!), find where the original Charlemagne statue is located, and you should have a good chance of finding today’s winning ticket.

It’s a bit dark there, so If you don’t see it at first, make sure to ask out loud, “Charlemagne, How do you Find a Work of Art?”

Good Luck!

Friday’s Art Treasure Hunt Winner

Joseph Pisani How to Find a Work of Art Contest Winner

Congratulations to Sarah from Zurich!

Sarah correctly solved the riddle and found me and the winning ticket at the Kronenhalle Bar in Zurich. I was absolutely astonished how quickly Sarah had arrived. I had just settled into my glass of wine when she and her son burst through the entrance asking if she was too late. The people that arrived in her wake were also quite surprised at her speed. I had assumed that this riddle would be quite easy, but was told that people had been to a few different places looking before figuring out it was the Kronehalle. It seems that sometimes being too easy, makes people second guess themselves.

Great Job Team Sarah!

Friday’s Riddle Friday. 15. Nov, 2013

It’s Friday! And, what better way to start the weekend than with a nice glass of red wine? Well, actually, being surrounded by a lot of great old friends while sipping that wine would give this Friday even more of an artistic ambiance

For today’s prize, all you have to do is find me–I’ll be enjoying my glass of wine somewhere in Zurich today at 17:30h (that’s now!). I’ll be wearing red converse shoes and a red handkerchief in my jacket pocket. If you are the first to find me, make sure to ask me: “How to Find a Work of Art?” and today’s winning prize ticket is yours! Unfortunately, they no longer accept trade-ins here, so if you want to have a glass of wine with me, you better remember to bring your wallet as you’re running out the door. Prost!

Saturday’s Art Treasure Hunt Winner

Joseph Pisani How to Find a Work of Art Contest Winner

Congratulations to Noldi from Schlieren!

Noldi correctly solved the riddle and found “Pablo”. The Picasso book was located in the book case located near what is known as the “Bermuda Triangle” at the Kunstgalerie Bachlechner. He arrived at the gallery at 18:00h on the dot, and it only took him a couple minutes to notice the Picasso art book sitting there on the bookshelf.

He grabbed the book, turned it upside down, and gave it a gentle shake, releasing the winning prize ticket from the pages in between.

Great Job Noldi!

Saturday’s Riddle Saturday, 16. Nov, 2013

Today is the final day of the Art Treasure Hunt and the final Winning Prize Ticket is hidden somewhere in at the Kunstgalerie Bachlechner at the opening of my exhibition this evening.

Those of us that have visited the gallery a few times, should have heard of a special spot there called the “Bermuda Triangle”. This is the name I gave to this spot a few years ago because of its rather strange ability to suck people in, and the minutes there soon turn into hours.

Find out where the “Bermuda Triangle” is, and look for Pablo, who is often sitting there. Be the first to ask him, “How to Find a Work of Art” and today’s winning prize ticket is yours!

I’ll give Pablo the Ticket at exactly 18:00h, so don’t be late.

Please note, the winning ticket is definitely NOT hidden behind any paintings, or sculptures or any art work in general, so please don’t touch any of the art work during your search!

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